Do you need to update your instructional videotape library to DVD? Are budget constraints making it difficult? Sign Enhancers can help! SAVE $547 when you buy ALL 71 DVDs with this DVD Library Package! You'll have the most effective, state-of-the-art, award-winning collection of instructional media available, delivered to your door for only $2999.00!
You get these 71 DVDs:
- 16 Beginning ASL DVDs (DVDASL1-16)
- 12 Educational Interpreting Series DVDs (DVD1A-1L)
- 5 Practice with Children DVDs (DVD5A-5E)
- Folk Music Concert in ASL DVD (DVD3B)
- 8 ASL Practice Series DVDs (DVD6A-6H)
- 12 Deaf Culture Autobiographies and Lectures DVDs (DVD8A-8L)
- 2 Fingerspelling: Comprehension in Context DVDs (DVD9A and DVD9B)
- ASL Grammatical Aspects (DVD2001)
- Behind the Scenes of the Amazon DVD (DVDSURVIVOR)
- 2 Legacy of Learning DVDs (DVDLEG-1 and DVDLEG-2)
- 4 Educational Interpreting DVDs (DVDINT-EL, DVDTR-EL, DVDINT-HS, DVDTR-HS)
- 3 Viewpoints DVDs (DVDVP1-3)
- 2 Living Fully DVDs (DVDINT-LF and DVDTR-LF)
- 2 One-to-One Interviews DVDs (DVD7C and DVD7D)
Limited time offer based upon availability. Prices subject to change.