A completely original approach to sign language stories like you have never seen before! MAGO Movies has created a magical realm of visual American Sign Language (ASL) video, allowing students to focus on handshapes, movements and concepts, and allowing viewers to explore their imaginations...beyond the story itself.
In ABC Stories, join the characters as they cook a meal, eliminate enemy ninjas, serenade a lover and go snowboarding. All of the stories use the letter signs in alphabetical order, and use hand shapes of the manual alphabet to represent concepts and storylines. Each segment is followed by an instructional version to aid in student comprehension. ABC Stories is used as an entertaining and educational tool in many Deaf Education and ASL classes. Includes lesson ideas and helpful tips for telling stories. A must-have for any introductory ASL or Deaf Education class. [DVD: (2008) 45 minutes; not rated] DVDs not returnable once opened.